
Just in case you need a NodeJS script to sort extended #ZSH history which doesn't break on multi-line entries:

#! /usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
const lines = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf8').split(/(?<=[^\\])\n/);
lines.sort((a, b) => a.split(/:/)[1] - b.split(/:/)[1]);
fs.writeFileSync(process.argv[2], lines.join('\n'), 'utf8');

A short history about keeping your #ssh daemons up-to-date by checking their banners, unexpectedly short debugs, happenstance, #hpn, and #RFC definitions.
#ssh #RFC #hpn

#golang Fediverse please help a Go-noob: is it possible to get the `git describe` string from a `go install github.com…@latest` type installation?
In order to use for `--version` output, that in various projects report no version when installed that way.


% go install github.com/walles/moar@latest
% moar --version
Should be set when building, please use build.sh to build
Nice! I'll try to create a PR for moar --version to use that.

ASN1js tree mode

Public request for comments: #ASN1js has historically been like this, I have received a very nice PR on Github to make it more like the usual tree view with ⊕, it can be tested here.
I like that, but it's a huge change to the website historical look&feel #UX.
What do you think about it?
Better? Worse? Can be further improved?

ASN1js is now available as a #VSCode extension.
#asn1 #asn1js
4 15
wr mastodon (AP)
nice ! Can you re-encode ASN.1 structures based on text descriptions ?
I did that using OpenSSL CLI and Perl github.com/wllm-rbnt/asn1templ…
local area ian :yikes: mastodon (AP)

oh! I didn't know you were on Mastodon.

Thank you SO MUCH for making asn1js. It was absolutely instrumental in my recent escapades into the world of DNSSEC.

Genuinely an inspiring tool.

ASN1js now (also on) ESM

I released a 'next' version of #ASN1js on npm which drops any AMD/UMD boilerplate and only uses ES6 modules.

I'm waiting for the forthcoming #NodeJS sync require(esm) in order to release that as a default version, because it seems unreasonable to force library users to do everything async.

Any thought on that? #library #JavaScript

1 1

Quoto @Stefano Zanero da Twitter:

La follia sta degenerando (come era logico e scontato succedesse).
Piracy Shield va SMANTELLATO. Va smantellato ora.
4 8
bagigio mastodon (AP)
é un assaggio del potere della sorveglianza elettronica con cui dovremo fare i conti sempre più spesso. Ha già i connotati distopici questo dispositivo contro la pirateria, figuriamoci le soluzioni tecniche pensate proprio per il controllo della popolazione.
bagigio mastodon (AP)
se ne va un altro pezzo di libertà, e prevedono di espandere questi controlli. fanpage.it/innovazione/tecnolo…

On February 1st 2024, AWS will start charging for IPv4 addresses. This will cost $0.005 per hour -- around $4 month

This is a very nice idea, and finally happening on a global scale.

Hetzner started charging IPv4 addresses (or rather, allowing a discount if you do without: the total price is the same it was before) since a few years and I guess that's working fine for them.

Brace Yourself, IPv6 is Coming tech.slashdot.org/story/24/01/…


Download Hetzner CSV invoices

I made a little script to automatically download all my #Hetzner CSV invoices in a single file (or rather, one file per page):

let elem = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName('btn-download')).map(e=>e.href).filter(u=>u.endsWith('/csv'));
let numbers = elem.map(u=>/invoice[/]([^/]+)/.exec(u)[1]);
let filename = 'invoice-' + numbers[0] + '-' + numbers[numbers.length - 1] + '.csv';
let csv = '';
for (let url of elem)
    csv += await (await fetch(url)).text();
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.download = filename;
a.href = a.href = "data:text/csv,"+encodeURIComponent(csv);

Updates available as GitHub gist.

They broke #RSA 2048 using quantum computing on a commercial phone.
Yeah, sure. 🤣

"Quantum Leap in Computing: RSA-2048 Cracked on a Cellphone! 📱💥"

Dr. Ed Gerck announces a groundbreaking quantum computing (QC) achievement: RSA-2048 encryption has been broken using a commercial cellphone or a commercial Linux desktop! Should this turn out to be correct, this would mark a pivotal moment in cybersecurity, as current public-key encryption may no longer be secure. Time for quantum-resistant algorithms! 🚨🔐

As some others have also stated, and I quote "Well, I'd like to see a more tangible proof of these tall claims..."

Would be cool tho...

Source: Ed Gerck on LinkedIn

Tags: #QuantumComputing #CyberSecurity #RSA #Encryption #PublicKey #QuantumResistant #TechnologyBreakthrough #InfoSec #DataProtection 🔒🌐💻

1 5 👀 1
@luca skeptical? Yes definitely 😁 I know I am haha😂
Questa voce è stata modificata (11 mesi fa)
Greg A. Woods diaspora

Lots of hot air and insanity there.....

FYI, databreachtoday.com/blogs/rese…

See for example the paper Gerck "published" where he claims Pi is "an unbounded series of rational numbers":


Giornalismo italiano (ed europeo) su Mastodon?

Interessante questo post di raccolta di testate giornalistiche che stanno man mano migrando sul Fediverse, tracciato con il tag #newstodon.
Chissà se qualcuno ha preparato una lista simile ma relativa all'Italia o all'Europa?

1 1
Luca Sironi pleroma (AP)


sarebbe veramente una svolta. Senza pensarci, di non bot, mi viene in mente solo @valigiablu

seguo altri giornalisti italiani con account personali, se solo ci fossero le testate…


Super-interesting thread about government-frustration-based #opensource, a small server that scrapes prices from major groceries and a completely client-side PWA to search thru it.

Would love to see an Italian fork of this.

Kudos to @Mario Zechner

Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain.

In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. There's no end in sight. This is especially true for basic needs like energy and food.

Our government stated in May that they'd build a food price database together with the big grocery chains. But..


#Magic #quine FTW!

The Professor of Spellcraft studied the parchment.
"Hmm. No, I have not seen this spell before. What does it do?"
"When you read it out, it creates a parchment with that spell written on it."
"That's all?"
"Isn't that neat?"
"But why?"
"To see if I could."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Yes, so much this!

How I want to learn [your thing]:

1. Text on website
2. Text on paper

2328. Spraypainted on side of cow
2829. Video tutorials

(MarkKriegsman on Twitter 2016-06-06)

1 2

Added PKCS#10 support to ASN1js

Tonight I added PKCS#10 support to #ASN1js.

…by parsing RFC 2986 and, unfortunately, by applying a minimal set of patches to simplify its ASN.1 dialect as my parser doesn't yet support it all… interesting how older RFCs used a much more complicated #ASN1 than more recent ones.

Just a point pro the hypothesis "recent RFCs use simpler ASN.1 syntax", today I added parsing of RFC 4210 & 4211 and it was quite straightforward.

I notice that I go to twitter nowadays almost exclusively for news about #AI #LLM #neuralNetworks and it seems most of the contents are still there.

(On the other hand, e.g., infosec people seems to be most active here on the Fediverse.)

Is there any "user cluster" I didn't notice or subscribe to on those arguments in here, or do you think I might be right?

1 1
Tim Kellogg mastodon (AP)
I don’t ever use X, but I think you’re probably right. I subscribe to the tags you used and I get a little of both pro & anti content. The most interesting stuff seems to be on hacker news — fwiw I look for engineering-heavy content, so I get pretty turned off by the “magic AI” people
James Neno mastodon (AP)
That has been my experience as well, although I've stopped using Twitter entirely recently. I've been following a lot of AI researchers recently here, so you might check my following list.
Questa voce è stata modificata (1 anno fa)

#VictoriaMetrics is getting better and better, even on my home installation RAM usage went down from 958 MiB to 381 MiB upgrading from 1.87.6 to 1.93.0. 🎉

…and if you're still using plain old #Prometheus do know that Victoria Metrics is a plug-in #OpenMetrics replacement (even the scraping file is compatible) and everything will be faster and both RAM and disk usage will go down dramatically.

AAAA glue records

I didn't notice but it seems that in 2019 italian registration authority (finally!!) added support for AAAA glue records, necessary for recursive #DNS resolution based purely on #IPv6 connections.

My registrar #ArubaIT still doesn't support that in the web interface, but they were nice and fast doing that manually when I opened a ticket.

And thus, finally, after many years of wait this is finally possible:

% drill -T6 aaaa lapo.it | fgrep AAAA
lapo.it.        86400   IN      AAAA    2a01:4f8:151:1d7::7

PS: unfortunately ldns’ drill does not yet show glue records explicitly during a trace, but I will wait on that too.


Frightening. #OpenSource #EU

EU policymakersPolicymakers haven't really thought this one through, have they...

If you think you participate or use open source in any way (and these days, the answer is a resounding YES), this should concern you.


Oh yes, thanks!!
I usually do that myself, but this time I didn't (for no reason).

Lapo Luchini friendica

Decode encrypted KNX projects

I published a Gist to decode encrypted #KNX projects using #NodeJS.

VictoriaLogs is here!

I've been waiting for #VictoriaLogs for a while… and now it's here! 🤩

#VictoriaMetrics #ElasticSearch #ELK
The slide that got me most excited:
- VictoriaLogs uses 2.2× less CPU than ElasticSearch
- VictoriaLogs uses 28× less RAM than ElasticSearch
- VictoriaLogs uses 13× less disk space than ElasticSearch
- VictoriaLogs performs typical log analysis queries faster than ElasticSearch

Oh, I didn't notice there was an official announce by @Denys Holius here on the Fediverse too!

I am happy to announce that we have released the first release of VictoriaLogs.
The release is located at github.com/VictoriaMetrics/Vic…

Docs: docs.victoriametrics.com/Victo…
Docker demos: docs.victoriametrics.com/Victo…
Helm Chart: github.com/VictoriaMetrics/hel…

We have prepared a Benchmark for VictoriaLogs, which is located at github.com/VictoriaMetrics/Vic…

For bug reports + feature requests please fill in the issue github.com/VictoriaMetrics/Vic…

#observability #logs #monitoring #victorialogs #elasticsearch #fluentbit #vectordev

nuovi vecchi