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On this very post as well, but at least it has the good grace to show original timestamp on mouse hover. (only down to the minute, tough)

I had different-but-conceptually-similar artifacts on my Java raytracer years ago, especially on quartics. Floating point are hard. :(

Added PKCS#10 support to ASN1js

Tonight I added PKCS#10 support to #ASN1js.

…by parsing RFC 2986 and, unfortunately, by applying a minimal set of patches to simplify its ASN.1 dialect as my parser doesn't yet support it all… interesting how older RFCs used a much more complicated #ASN1 than more recent ones.

Basically… you know how you can visualize a digital waveform in Audacity or similar?
Well, the groove shape is… that waveform, in plastic.

New #ASN1js feature: showing field names, as taken from #ASN1 module definitions parsed right out of #RFC.
Consider it beta for now (currently supports only X.509 and CMS definitions, but this will change in the future).