I want to learn programming and I'm trying to find a language to start in.
I want a language I can write a to do program in && something I can easily bounce onto other languages from
Anyone have any thoughts on this
@Becky So, first target one specific system with one specific front end. This will greatly reduce the scope of the required learning.
I started learning programming with command line programs in C because of the low learning overhead. I was also taught COBOL for file manipulation and Java for Object-Oriented Programming. In parallel, I had SQL classes on an Oracle system, but no integration with a programming language until my final project after 2 years of full-time classes.
It was a long process and it started pretty small, so I think that's what you should do as well to make it palatable.
@Becky Choosing a programming language often depends on the target use. Will it be a Command-Line Interface tool? A Graphical User Interface? A web page? A program on a controller circuit (Arduino, etc...)?
From there, languages have affordances.