
Becky friendica (via ActivityPub)
I want to learn programming and I'm trying to find a language to start in.

I want a language I can write a to do program in && something I can easily bounce onto other languages from

Anyone have any thoughts on this

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Becky Choosing a programming language often depends on the target use. Will it be a Command-Line Interface tool? A Graphical User Interface? A web page? A program on a controller circuit (Arduino, etc...)?

From there, languages have affordances.
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Becky friendica (via ActivityPub)
I think I want the to-do program to have a gui as I'm still not great at using a command line.... probably run on a "standard" desktop computer, if such a thing exists.... computers are weird but I've relied on @silverwizard a lot and I'm trying to think outside that while also learning from him
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Becky In the programming world, unfortunately there's no such thing as a standard desktop computer. So much so that the current most popular way of writing "portable" programs is to embed an entire web browser within the program.
Becky friendica (via ActivityPub)
😂 I kinda suspected this, but I'm still new to it all and have learned it all by accident or in roundabout ways
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Becky So, first target one specific system with one specific front end. This will greatly reduce the scope of the required learning.

I started learning programming with command line programs in C because of the low learning overhead. I was also taught COBOL for file manipulation and Java for Object-Oriented Programming. In parallel, I had SQL classes on an Oracle system, but no integration with a programming language until my final project after 2 years of full-time classes.

It was a long process and it started pretty small, so I think that's what you should do as well to make it palatable.
Starting from scratch today I'd probably suggest starting with JavaScript, as you can then use it on the web (and mobile with progressive web apps) maybe with VueJS, or on the command line with NodeJS, or to create GUIs with Electron. 🤔
It's not the best language to start learning with maybe (personally I have a preference for strongly typed languages), but it's pretty flexible, under very active development both in syntax and ecosystem.