I keep telling myself that I will never break down and add the following to my .bash_aliases file
alias mdkir=mkdir
But it's so, so tempting.
@Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him) @:flan_whmage: :flan_q: I also end up typing pythong all the time, I never type thong, what is it about that?
my most common one is dokcer
i have a script called `gi` that removes the first letter from the first argument and passes args to git
gi tpush => git push
it also leaves a harassing message to myself to type better next time
If you would make me switch from C++ to Perl, I wouldn't have lasted long either
(Generally, these programming languages are used for very different problems to solve. So switching from one to the other - if the problem space stays identical - really sounds weird)
Oh and yes, I got the Nano thing
I will confess to having the following in my .bash_aliases:
alias :e="vim"
@dch On a related note: I can't tell you how many times I've typed the following:
pythong path/to/program
I have NO idea why I do that. It's not like I ever type "thong," but my fingers are hallucinating programming languages.