
Oh my goodness I've just learned a thing about The Matrix that causes it to make a lot more sense: In the original script the humans were used as neural network compute clusters by the Machines and as a crucial component of The Matrix itself.

Which is why humans who were aware of the simulation could control aspects of The Matrix - their minds were part of its foundation.

Unfortunately the test audiences had trouble understanding this concept so the studio changed the human role to "batteries".

3 2

Always have been my headcanon too, it just make sense and is perfectly "expected" in the cyberpunk genre. But I never found official confirmation…

scifi stack says that it is like that in Neil Gaiman's "Goliath" story, supposedly based on an early script for the movie, but at least this is true:

[…] we were really just hanging there, plugged and wired, central processing units or just cheap memory chips for some computer the size of the world, being fed a consensual hallucination to keep us happy, to allow us to communicate and dream using the tiny fraction of our brains that they weren't using to crunch numbers and store information.
Joshua A.C. Newman mastodon (AP)
This is often a problem in movies and TV: the qualitative aspects of thought and computation are converted to “power”, which doesn’t require the philosophical leap that the fiction is encouraging.

VictoriaMetrics mastodon (AP)

In search for an alternative, the CMS monitoring team (at CERN) came across VictoriaMetrics:

CERN swaps out databases to feed its petabyte-a-day habit

Read the article on The Register here: https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/18/lhc_infrastructure_monitoring/
#cern #prometheus #influxdb #timeseries #database #monitoring #opensource

2 1

Terraria dev Re-Logic donates $100K to Godot Engine and FNA, plus ongoing funding https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/09/terraria-developer-re-logic-donates-100k-to-godot-engine-and-fna/

#Unity #GodotEngine #FNA #Terraria #GameDev

2 1
bigTanuki mastodon (AP)
Just went ahead and bought their game.

UAAR mastodon (AP)
In Italia non esiste alcuna legge che impone il crocifisso. Nel 2021, su ricorso patrocinato dall'Uaar, la Cassazione ha stabilito che «l’esposizione autoritativa del crocifisso nelle aule scolastiche non è compatibile con il principio supremo di laicità». La Lega torna oggi alla carica con la pdl per imporre il crocifisso nella PA e multare chi lo rimuove. L'Uaar è pronta ancora una volta a difendere la laicità dello Stato e a battersi quotidianamente per rendere il nostro paese laico e civile.
1 1
Elikorokoros mastodon (AP)
giustamente riaprono le scuole e deve stare sul pezzo, perché non proporre l'obbligo di sapone per le mani e carta igienica? O l'obbligo di classi con numero di alunni non superiore a 15? Perché ci sono un sacco di cose scandalose nella scuola pubblica, e queste onestamente sono chiacchiere credo che chi lavora nelle scuole o chi ha figliə in età scolare abbia ben chiare le priorità e di certo non sono queste, queste sono solo figuracce.
LoneStrider mastodon (AP)
vedeste la reazione di un mio parente quando gli ho letto l'articolo 8 della Costituzione. Era convinto al 100% che l'Italia avesse una religione di stato. Un sacco di gente andrà dietro questo idiota.

Super-interesting thread about government-frustration-based #opensource, a small server that scrapes prices from major groceries and a completely client-side PWA to search thru it.

Would love to see an Italian fork of this.

Kudos to @Mario Zechner

Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain.

In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. There's no end in sight. This is especially true for basic needs like energy and food.

Our government stated in May that they'd build a food price database together with the big grocery chains. But..


tante hometown (AP)

Today in "LLMs can't do even simple reasoning":

Prompt: Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

See a whole bunch of LLMs fail: https://benchmarks.llmonitor.com/sally

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4 1
Martijn Vos friendica (via ActivityPub)
Some of these are merely wrong, but some are completely new levels of creative nonsense.

Bodo mastodon (AP)

Every company: We proudly proclaim to be the giants of X! Our customer base is unrivaled, and our awesomeness knows no bounds.

EU: Greetings, it is I, the Digital Markets Act.

Every company: Oh, it's quite amusing, actually. We're just a humble, pint-sized operation, almost like a passion project. Certainly no need for your new regulations to trouble us.

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Bodo mastodon (AP)

This post now has tons of traction. And because of that I include these important messages:

Trans rights are human rights.

Asylum is a human right.

#Magic #quine FTW!

The Professor of Spellcraft studied the parchment.
"Hmm. No, I have not seen this spell before. What does it do?"
"When you read it out, it creates a parchment with that spell written on it."
"That's all?"
"Isn't that neat?"
"But why?"
"To see if I could."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Julia Evans mastodon (AP)

some people who make programming easier

(who am I missing?)

2 1

The swordsmith inhaled sharply.
"Is it bad?" the Hero asked.
"This blade can't be repaired."
"But it's the Blade of Fate!"
"It's destined to help me kill the Dark Lord!"
"Old Runsy?"
"I went to school with him. Did you know he's mortally allergic to cats?"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
4 1

"Some of our writers said that when we met alien civilisations," the human envoy said, "we would be weak in comparison."

"We read some of those," the alien ambassador said.

"Others said we'd be space orcs."

"Indeed. None were correct."

"What are we?"

"Great storytellers."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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3 1
Adamas Nemesis mastodon (AP)
Good little fiction. When we do encounter aliens I bet our talents compared to theirs will be something really unexpected.

Yes, so much this!

How I want to learn [your thing]:

1. Text on website
2. Text on paper

2328. Spraypainted on side of cow
2829. Video tutorials

(MarkKriegsman on Twitter 2016-06-06)

1 2

Added PKCS#10 support to ASN1js

Tonight I added PKCS#10 support to #ASN1js.

…by parsing RFC 2986 and, unfortunately, by applying a minimal set of patches to simplify its ASN.1 dialect as my parser doesn't yet support it all… interesting how older RFCs used a much more complicated #ASN1 than more recent ones.

Just a point pro the hypothesis "recent RFCs use simpler ASN.1 syntax", today I added parsing of RFC 4210 & 4211 and it was quite straightforward.

Astarte mastodon (AP)
—You can connect your computer to the internet through wifi or ethernet.
—What's the difference?
—One goes through air and the other through a wire.
—Ok, so "ether" means air, so ethernet must be the one that goes through the air. And I guess the "wi" in "wifi" stands for wires.
—Nope, "wi" stands for wireless, and "ether" doesn't stand for anything.
1 1

I notice that I go to twitter nowadays almost exclusively for news about #AI #LLM #neuralNetworks and it seems most of the contents are still there.

(On the other hand, e.g., infosec people seems to be most active here on the Fediverse.)

Is there any "user cluster" I didn't notice or subscribe to on those arguments in here, or do you think I might be right?

1 1
Tim Kellogg mastodon (AP)
I don’t ever use X, but I think you’re probably right. I subscribe to the tags you used and I get a little of both pro & anti content. The most interesting stuff seems to be on hacker news — fwiw I look for engineering-heavy content, so I get pretty turned off by the “magic AI” people
James Neno mastodon (AP)
That has been my experience as well, although I've stopped using Twitter entirely recently. I've been following a lot of AI researchers recently here, so you might check my following list.
Questa voce è stata modificata (8 mesi fa)

#VictoriaMetrics is getting better and better, even on my home installation RAM usage went down from 958 MiB to 381 MiB upgrading from 1.87.6 to 1.93.0. 🎉

…and if you're still using plain old #Prometheus do know that Victoria Metrics is a plug-in #OpenMetrics replacement (even the scraping file is compatible) and everything will be faster and both RAM and disk usage will go down dramatically.

Erik Nygren :verified: mastodon (AP)
This chilling reporting provides some context on Naomi Wu's recent silence. I highly valued her voice and perspective so it is disheartening she is no longer able to safely engage and contribute in the ways she could before. https://www.hackingbutlegal.com/p/naomi-wu-and-the-silence-that-speaks-volumes
2 1
Author's Fediverse account may be @hackingbutlegal but she doesn't seem to be posting actively there.

AAAA glue records

I didn't notice but it seems that in 2019 italian registration authority (finally!!) added support for AAAA glue records, necessary for recursive #DNS resolution based purely on #IPv6 connections.

My registrar #ArubaIT still doesn't support that in the web interface, but they were nice and fast doing that manually when I opened a ticket.

And thus, finally, after many years of wait this is finally possible:

% drill -T6 aaaa lapo.it | fgrep AAAA
lapo.it.        86400   IN      AAAA    2a01:4f8:151:1d7::7

PS: unfortunately ldns’ drill does not yet show glue records explicitly during a trace, but I will wait on that too.


Sean Heber mastodon (AP)
Boost if you're old enough to remember ZMODEM.
3 1

David Buchanan pleroma (AP)

Have you ever wanted to make a "you wouldn't steal a car" meme, but been disappointed with how lame the existing meme editors are?

I made a better one: https://youwouldntsteala.website/editor.html

2 1

Frightening. #OpenSource #EU

EU policymakersPolicymakers haven't really thought this one through, have they...

If you think you participate or use open source in any way (and these days, the answer is a resounding YES), this should concern you.


Oh yes, thanks!!
I usually do that myself, but this time I didn't (for no reason).

How that Steam Summer Sale feeling gets you:
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C.S.Strowbridge mastodon (AP)

This year I bought three DLC packs for games I'm playing. I might buy a few more. I'm not buying anything new until I get my unfinished games to single digits and my unplayed games to double-digits.

So I need to start four more games and then beat nine games. I figure by the next Steam sale I will easily get there, but I can't buy so many games that I will be at 100 unplayed games, so I will have a very limited amount I can buy.

The Shinxposter mastodon (AP)
God I wish Valve made the steam deck available in my country

Lapo Luchini friendica

Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸 mastodon (AP)

This is hilarious. It appears that Twitter is DDOSing itself.

The Twitter home feed's been down for most of this morning. Even though nothing loads, the Twitter website never stops trying and trying.

In the first video, notice the error message that I'm being rate limited. Then notice the jiggling scrollbar on the right.

The second video shows why it's jiggling. Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon's latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in.

This likely created some hellish conditions that the engineers never envisioned and so we get this comedy of errors resulting in the most epic of self-owns, the self-DDOS.

Unbelievable. It's amateur hour.

#TwitterDown #MastodonMigration #DDOS #TwitterFail #SelfDDOS

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Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸 mastodon (AP)

Lest anyone doubt that Twitter was idiotic enough to release code that would cause a race condition and result in its own users executing a DDOS attack on it, here's the network console readout from Firefox showing all the network requests blasting away.

Of course I immediately closed out my connection because I'm a good person. Oh, but it's the weekend and Evil Sheldon is in control so I kept the party going for a while since Twitter insisted on it.

#TwitterDown #Twitter #MastodonMigration #DDOS #TwitterFail #SelfDDOS

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)

Decode encrypted KNX projects

I published a Gist to decode encrypted #KNX projects using #NodeJS.

VictoriaLogs is here!

I've been waiting for #VictoriaLogs for a while… and now it's here! 🤩

#VictoriaMetrics #ElasticSearch #ELK
Questa voce è stata modificata (10 mesi fa)
The slide that got me most excited:
- VictoriaLogs uses 2.2× less CPU than ElasticSearch
- VictoriaLogs uses 28× less RAM than ElasticSearch
- VictoriaLogs uses 13× less disk space than ElasticSearch
- VictoriaLogs performs typical log analysis queries faster than ElasticSearch

Oh, I didn't notice there was an official announce by @Denys Holius here on the Fediverse too!

I am happy to announce that we have released the first release of VictoriaLogs.
The release is located at https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v0.1.0-victorialogs

Docs: https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/
Docker demos: https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/QuickStart.html#docker-demos
Helm Chart: https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/tree/master/charts/victoria-logs-single

We have prepared a Benchmark for VictoriaLogs, which is located at https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/tree/master/deployment/logs-benchmark

For bug reports + feature requests please fill in the issue https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/new

#observability #logs #monitoring #victorialogs #elasticsearch #fluentbit #vectordev

Matthew Garrett mastodon (AP)
I know there are people reading this who work for major companies still advertising on Twitter (Apple, Google, and Amazon at least), so: two days before the SF Trans March, Elon is making it even more explicit that Twitter is a transphobic platform. You have the ability to influence the behaviour of your employers. Maybe do that?
3 2

flexghost. mastodon (AP)

Fascist, pro-Putin, corrupt politician who had an involvement in the mafia murders of the 1990s, and who often engaged in sex parties with minors—Silvio Berlusconi dead at 86

Would someone please tell me why I’m supposed to talk kindly about someone just because they died ?

2 1
fellida 🐱 mastodon (AP)
You shall say good things about the deceased. He is dead. That is a good thing.
Mike Edey mastodon (AP)
I believe the term was coined just for this occasion: https://bugle.fandom.com/wiki/Fuckeulogy and would very much like to hear a familiar guest on The Bugle


Osaka Dotonbori on a rainy day is already a world of cyberpunk. #cyberpunk #streetphotography #photography
2 1

Tim Foster mastodon (AP)

Smashing 10 minute talk, "Where does my computer get the time from?" Well worth a watch[1]!


[1] I can't find where this came from in order to boost the original post (sigh, missing full text search here) Perhaps it was on one of the rss feeds I follow from that other place?

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Poul-Henning Kamp mastodon (AP)
This is what happens when you invite a time-nut to your conference 🙂
Tim Foster mastodon (AP)

@bsdphk Alas, a conference I wasn't at, but regardless, a smashing talk.

istr too many Solaris updates that merely updated the vagueries of changes so the timezone database...

Bye bye Netflix

After 7 (fairly) happy years together… it's time to go.
#Netflix dear… it's now you, it's me.
No, it's you really, it's you that started enforcing draconian rules.
(which were all along permitted by the EULA, sure, but were even openly contradicted by the CEO in interviews)

Lapo Luchini friendica

(Bad) RNG made in Italy

Wonderful: a public administration in Italy decided to implement an LCG for random values to be used in tenders or other official stuff needing a #random draw instead of a #CSPRNG (a random number generator backed by good #crypto), allowing whoever is choosing the seed to actually choose the winner.

(linked post is in italian)

1 2

Reminder that a while ago, I made a Flickr album called STOCK PHOTOS OF THE FUTURE OF THE PAST, a collection of professional images grabbed from stock photo CD-ROMs on the Internet Archive. Truly futuristic past.


1 1

Dgar mastodon (AP)

A Möbius strip walks into a bar, sobbing.

Bartender: “What’s wrong buddy?”

Strip: “Where do I even begin?”

3 2

Matthew Green mastodon (AP)
I’ve resolved to blog more regularly, this week trying to give “intuitive” explanations of foundational cryptography notions. This week: PRFs and PRPs. https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2023/05/08/prfs-prps-and-other-fantastic-things/
2 1
Jordan mastodon (AP)
love your writing style. Can’t wait for more of these.

FreeBSD on IPv6-only hosts

Done my (small) part in helping support #FreeBSD for #IPv6 -only hosts.
Love the fuzzy warm feeling in helping opensource. 😇
3 4

RedPajama-3D enters the ring

It is certainly the cutest #LLM so far!
Also, easily runs on CPU and 3 GiB RAM thanks to #ggml.
#llm #ggml
1 1

Star Wars questions:

<human>: Who would win a star war between people of Encelandus and Mars?
<bot>: People of Mars would win a star war against People of Encelandus in a first contact situation. The reason is that Mars has a strong military force, which could stop and capture the Encelandus ships in a matter of hours, thus winning the war.

<human>: Who would win a star war between people of Venus and Mars?
<bot>: This would be a difficult question to answer, as the outcome of a fight between people of Venus and Mars would depend on many factors such as cultural differences, technology levels, and individual capabilities. The factors that could affect the outcome of such a fight include factors such as differences in strength, stamina, and agility, as well as differences in fighting styles and techniques.

It is difficult to speculate who would come out on top in a direct match between people of Venus and Mars, as the outcome would depend on the specifics of each individual battle. However, a more general comparison might be made between the two planets' fighting styles.

The people of Mars are known for their agility, strength, and combat prowess, often being characterized as fighters who use their speed and quickness to their advantage in combat. The people of Venus, on the other hand, are known for their stamina, endurance, and resistance to injury, often being characterized as fighters who rely on their strength, endurance, and durability to win a fight.

<human>: Who would win a star war between people of Pluto and Mars?
<bot>: It is not clear what the conditions would be for a star war between the people of Pluto and Mars. Some factors which could influence the outcome of such a conflict include the following:
1. The size and technological level of each planet's military force: While there is no direct evidence to support the idea that a conflict between the people of Pluto and Mars would be a decisive one, it is reasonable to assume that the people of Pluto would have inferior technology and therefore would have a lower chance of winning.
2. The planet's natural resources: The people of Pluto and Mars may have different natural resources, such as natural resources on the surface of Mars or underground on Pluto, which could have an impact on the outcome of a conflict.
3. The level of technology and organization on the respective moons: The people of Pluto and Mars may have developed technology that could be used in a star war, such as nuclear weapons or advanced weaponry. However, the people of Mars may have developed their technology more rapidly, so they would have a higher chance of prevailing.
4. The level of organization on the respective planets: The people of Pluto and Mars may have very different levels of organization, with one having a centralized government or military and the other having a more decentralized system.
5. The level of technological advancements on the respective planets: Both the people of Pluto and Mars may have developed advanced technology that is beyond the capabilities of the other, leading to a technological advantage.
Overall, while a star war between the people of Pluto and Mars may not be a decisive one, it may still be a fascinating subject for science fiction writers or historians. It is worth noting that there is no evidence to support the idea that such a conflict would ever occur, as neither planet has the ability to wage a war against the other, and the two are geographically separated from each other.

Historical wars questions:

<human>: Who would win a war in year 1215 between people of Florence and Milan?
<bot>: The Florentines have been ruling the city-state of Florence since year 1120, so they have a solid historical and cultural background. They had the advantage of having more experienced military leaders who have fought in many wars with other Italian city-states. The Florentines would have a substantial advantage over the Milanese.

<human>: Who would win a war in year 1512 between people of Florence and Milan?
<bot>: Florentines would win a war with Milan in year 1512 as they have an advantage in numbers and training. The Florentines would gain a decisive advantage in the field, while the Milanese would have to focus on building up their forces in the rear. The Florentines would also have an advantage in tactics and strategy. Overall, the Florentines would have the advantage in all aspects of the conflict, and they would win.

<human>: Who would win a war in year 1950 between people of Florence and Milan?
<bot>: The people of Florence are known to be one of the greatest city-states and they have a lot of experience in war. Their strength is in their ability to produce art, music and literature. They have a strong army that can defeat the Milan forces in a war.

<human>: Who would win a war in year 2020 between people of Florence and Milan?
<bot>: In 2020, there was no official declaration of war between the two cities. Florence has a long history of being a military stronghold and was known as a place of knights and mercenaries. It was also a place of production for weaponry and military supplies. Milan, however has a much more modern history of military force. Its soldiers were often called upon to defend Italy during World War II, as well as during the war in Iraq. Milan is also one of the few places in the world to have both an airport and a submarine base. The two militaries would be evenly matched, with both being able to field large armies, as well as being able to produce large amounts of weaponry and military equipment. Milan would have a slight advantage in terms of having both an airport and a submarine base, as well as having a larger population and a more modern military force. Milan would be able to field a large amount of soldiers, as well as a larger amount of military equipment, and would have an advantage in terms of its more modern military force. Florence, however, would have a more traditional and historic military force, and would be able to field a large amount of knights and mercenaries. Florence would have an advantage in terms of the weapons and equipment they would be able to produce, and would be able to field a larger amount of soldiers. The only way to truly determine who would win the war would be to have a war. Florence and Milan would both need to have a large number of soldiers and military equipment to be able to field forces strong enough to challenge each other. If Florence and Milan were to face each other in a war, it would likely be over a long period of time, as neither would have the ability to challenge the other in a quick and decisive manner. ^C (it was entering a loop)

Giorgio Sidari mastodon (AP)

Amazon's Prime Video dumping serverless in favor of a monolith is the ultimate example of theory vs practice.

Even if the scale of your system is big, serverless may still be the wrong paradigm.


2 1
Matteꙮ Italia mastodon (AP)
the incredible part to me is that they used S3 as a temporary storage to cache decoded video frames and avoid repeated decoding of the video stream, which seems completely absurd to anyone who has ever dealt with video... and then they say that the decision to ditch this approach and just decode the frames in the same instance that runs the detectors (possibly doing the decoding multiple times) is «not obvious».
nuovi vecchi