Future of Mozilla (and) Firefox
… but I am also more and more worried each and every time a new article about #Mozilla hits the news. 😞
(I look forward to #Servo too, but that's a partly different issue)
Matteꙮ Italia reshared this.
Just in case you need a NodeJS script to sort extended #ZSH history which doesn't break on multi-line entries:
#! /usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
const lines = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf8').split(/(?<=[^\\])\n/);
lines.sort((a, b) => a.split(/:/)[1] - b.split(/:/)[1]);
fs.writeFileSync(process.argv[2], lines.join('\n'), 'utf8');
Sort extended ZSH history (works with multi-line entries)
Sort extended ZSH history (works with multi-line entries) - zsh_history_sort.jsGist
ssh banner seems not to follow RFC · Issue #97 · rapier1/hpn-ssh
The current ssh banner defined in ssh_api.c:423 is this: sshbuf_putf(banner, "SSH-2.0-%.100s\r\n", SSH_RELEASE) and the constant is defined in version.h:3-7 as: #define SSH_VERSION "OpenSSH_9.7" #d...GitHub
#golang Fediverse please help a Go-noob: is it possible to get the `git describe` string from a `go install github.com…@latest` type installation?
In order to use for `--version` output, that in various projects report no version when installed that way.
% go install github.com/walles/moar@latest
% moar --version
Should be set when building, please use build.sh to build
ASN1js tree mode
I like that, but it's a huge change to the website historical look&feel #UX.
What do you think about it?
Better? Worse? Can be further improved?
I did that using OpenSSL CLI and Perl github.com/wllm-rbnt/asn1templ…
GitHub - wllm-rbnt/asn1template: Convert DER or PEM encoded ASN.1 structures to an equivalent textual description compatible with OpenSSL's ASN1_generate_nconf(3) function
Convert DER or PEM encoded ASN.1 structures to an equivalent textual description compatible with OpenSSL's ASN1_generate_nconf(3) function - wllm-rbnt/asn1templateGitHub
oh! I didn't know you were on Mastodon.
Thank you SO MUCH for making asn1js. It was absolutely instrumental in my recent escapades into the world of DNSSEC.
Genuinely an inspiring tool.
ASN1js now (also on) ESM
I released a 'next' version of #ASN1js on npm which drops any AMD/UMD boilerplate and only uses ES6 modules.
I'm waiting for the forthcoming #NodeJS sync require(esm) in order to release that as a default version, because it seems unreasonable to force library users to do everything async.
Any thought on that? #library #JavaScript
Quoto @Stefano Zanero da Twitter:
La follia sta degenerando (come era logico e scontato succedesse).
Piracy Shield va SMANTELLATO. Va smantellato ora.
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reshared this
Per guardare i siti porno servirà un documento: cosa prevede il piano di AgCom per la verifica dell’età
Con la Delibera 61/24/CONS di AgCom si inizia un percorso per portare in Italia uno strumento dedicato alla verifica dell'età degli utenti su Internet. Negli Stati Uniti questi strumenti sono già stati adottati, non sempre con ottimi esiti.Valerio Berra (Innovazione Fanpage)
On February 1st 2024, AWS will start charging for IPv4 addresses. This will cost $0.005 per hour -- around $4 month
This is a very nice idea, and finally happening on a global scale.
Hetzner started charging IPv4 addresses (or rather, allowing a discount if you do without: the total price is the same it was before) since a few years and I guess that's working fine for them.
like this
Download Hetzner CSV invoices
I made a little script to automatically download all my #Hetzner CSV invoices in a single file (or rather, one file per page):
let elem = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName('btn-download')).map(e=>e.href).filter(u=>u.endsWith('/csv'));
let numbers = elem.map(u=>/invoice[/]([^/]+)/.exec(u)[1]);
let filename = 'invoice-' + numbers[0] + '-' + numbers[numbers.length - 1] + '.csv';
let csv = '';
for (let url of elem)
csv += await (await fetch(url)).text();
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.download = filename;
a.href = a.href = "data:text/csv,"+encodeURIComponent(csv);
Updates available as GitHub gist.
Lapo Luchini
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